Alas, what are we doing?
We are trying to conceal ourselves
From our universal selves!
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Inside each of us there is a beautiful flower garden. This is the garden of the soul. Here we can enjoy the fragrance of each and every flower and discover the true beauty and boundless freedom of our inner selves. With every lesson we learn from life, our soul-garden grows and glows. Ultimately, the peace, light and happiness-fragrance of our individual gardens will spread throughout the length and breadth of the world.
The lessons presented are simple, yet they speak eternal truths: love God and serve Him inside humanity; seek inner peace; cultivate simplicity, sincerity, purity and humility; still the restless mind; expand the heart. Many are stories from India's ancient past, others relate episodes in the lives of some of humanity's great figures. I feel that these wise lessons from the East are timeless and truly universal. It is with great love that I share them with readers from the West.
- Sri Chinmoy
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