One wrong thought
Can ruin everything
At the journey’s start.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
The "Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart" program is a unique award that was offered by Sri Chinmoy to recognise individuals from all walks of life who had inspired and uplifted humanity. Sri Chinmoy lifted the recipients overhead either with one arm or both arms using a specially constructed platform in a symbolic gesture of oneness with their uplifting achievements.
“I am trying with my capacity to encourage and inspire people in various walks of life who have inspired others in sports, literature, science or politics, or in their own personal lives. I lift them up to show my appreciation for their achievements,”
Sri Chinmoy
Beginning June 1988, Sri Chinmoy honoured more than 8,300 individuals in this manner, including Heads of State, diplomats, spiritual and religious leaders of many faiths, distinguished achievers in the arts and in literature, Nobel laureates and world class athletes. Sri Chinmoy also recognised individuals, less well known, but providing important public service, such as firemen, doctors, pilots and academics.
Speaking on the motivation for the lifting programme, Sri Chinmoy said:
“I am a truth-seeker and a God-lover. I pray and meditate so that I can establish my oneness with each and every human being in the whole world. I am lifting up the individuals who have contributed much to the world at large. They have inspired countless people on earth, and I feel it is obligatory on my part to show them some appreciation from the depth of my heart.”
Sri Chinmoy