Clear the mind
Of all its
Discouraging thoughts.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
13 Apr 1964 - Sri Chinmoy arrived in the West from India
27 Aug 1965 - First edition of AUM Magazine - a monthly magazine devoted to the writings of Sri Chinmoy. View: First AUM Magazine
22 Jul 1966 - Inauguration of first Sri Chinmoy Centre called Aum Centre, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
17 Feb 1974 - Sri Chinmoy first played esraj (an Indian stringed instrument played with a bow)
21 Jul 1974 - Sri Chinmoy first played Indian flute, Iceland.
19 Nov 1974 - First Jharna-Kala painting, Ottawa, Canada.
10 Aug 1975 - Sri Chinmoy first played violin.
10 Mar 1976 - Sri Chinmoy first played the Western flute, Melbourne, Australia.
13 Jun 1977 - Sri Chinmoy started playing tennis.
1 Jun 1978 - Sri Chinmoy started his long-distance running career, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California.
3 Mar 1979 - Sri Chinmoy ran his first marathon, Chico, California, 4:31:34
27 Sep 1983 - Sri Chinmoy first played cello.
24 Mar 1984 - Over 8,000 attended Sri Chinmoy's first public concert, Koln, Germany. Sri Chinmoy performed 777 concerts worldwide.
26 Jun 1985 - Sri Chinmoy started serious weightlifting.
30 Jan 1987 - Sri Chinmoy lifted 7063 3/4-lb in a one-arm lift. (right arm)
18 Feb 1987 - Sri Chinmoy began spontaneous improvisational piano playing, New York.
26 May 1987 - Sri Chinmoy first played the pipe organ, Zurich, Switzerland.
26 Jun 1988 - Sri Chinmoy began a program called "Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart" which honoured people who had made a contribution to the world or humanity. Sri Chinmoy lifted over 8,300 individuals overhead with one or both arms on a specially constructed platform in this program.
4 Aug 1988 - Sri Chinmoy lifted 7040-lb in a one-arm lift (left arm)
24 Apr 1989 - The first of over 1,100 landmarks is dedicated to world harmony.
16 Aug 1989 - Sri Chinmoy resumed his sprinting career.
29 Dec 1991 - Sri Chinmoy began drawing a series of bird drawings called "Dream-Freedom-Soul-Birds" in Malta.
29 Sep 1998 - Sri Chinmoy resumed serious weightlifting after 10 years at age 67.
7 July 2004 - Sri Chinmoy gave opening meditation at the Fourth World Parliament of Regions, Barcelona, Spain. Link