It is quite amazing
That my mind
Has started listening
To my heart.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Kind words from United Nations Secretary-Generals and other leading figures in the United Nations community.
“I have been hearing about you from many, many people. Whoever speaks to me about you is all appreciation and admiration, and I personally feel that you have been doing a most significant task for the United Nations. It has been a great privilege for me to see you. Please feel my sincere respect and sincere concern for what you are doing for mankind.”
U Thant
29 February 1972 - More kind words
“I have known you now for so many years – it is decades since we have known each other – and I know how much you have contributed to our efforts in the United Nations to work for peace, to work for understanding, to bridge the gap between rich and poor people in the world, to try to improve the lives of so many people.”
Kurt Waldheim
Fourth UN Secretary-General
30 September 2004, Vienna More kind words
“What is happening to me now is that I am receiving the inspiration of Sri Chinmoy, who is actually, I would say, the heart of the United Nations—because in all the years I was Secretary-General, and even before I was Secretary-General, he was always with us. Even if he was not present, his message was with us, and we were, as I said before, being inspired by him.”
Dr. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
Fifth UN Secretary-General
26 May 2005, Paris - More kind words
“Let me also take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your 30 years of dedication to the United Nations. Through your prayers, meditations, concerts and global ‘Peace Run', your work has linked peace-lovers in more than 100 countries and complemented that of the world Organisation….”
Kofi Annan
Seventh UN Secretary-General
22 September 2000
"I remember Sri Chinmoy as the finest example of a great soul who had a true vision of peace and one who had untiringly kept spreading the real message of peace all over the world."
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, (2002-2007)
13 April 2013
"Sri Chinmoy reminds us of the powerful strength of the heart's simplicity, and of our capacity to achieve great things for a higher purpose. The work of the United Nations is enhanced by his commitment to its highest success and by his presence amid its deliberations."
James P. Grant
Executive Director, UNICEF
"I will never forget and the people of Angola will forever appreciate the enormous humanitarian assistance which you and your organisation provided Angola during the country's hour of need."
Professor Ibrahim A.Gambari
UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa
"Sri Chinmoy was convinced that true outer peace had to start with the inner peace of the individual. He has expressed this philosophy of peace in countless books, songs and paintings. His creative works, together with his multifarious peace-initiatives like the humanitarian relief operations, the Peace Concerts and the World Harmony Run represent an immense source of inspiration, wisdom, strength and practical guidance to people of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds. I regard Sri Chinmoy's work as one of the real treasures of the 20th and 21st century; probably the most powerful pillar of a culture of peace that currently exists. "
H.E. Ambassador Vladimir Petrovsky
Under-Secretary-General and Director General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (1993 to 2002)
27 October 2007.
"Guru-ji Sri Chinmoy was far greater than an enlightened individual. He has been and remains an extraordinary phenomenon that has touched the daily lives of his devotees in many unusual ways. He has inspired us to change the way we look at ourselves and at the world. With his mild manner and incredible physical and mental strength, he literally uplifted us and brought steadfastness and stability to our daily lives. At the United Nations, we were specially blessed because of his weekly visits, when we received his regular benedictions."
His Excellency Mr. Vijay Nambiar
Under-Secretary-General and UN Chef de Cabinet.
Sri Chinmoy was a man of compassion and tolerance, representing the very best in humanity.
Jan Eliasson
Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
President of the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly
13 October 2007
"Your consciousness knows no frontiers, your compassion knows no bounds and your horizons are as vast and limitless as those of the firmament itself…All India is proud of you."
Lakhan Mehrotra
Secretary to the Government, Ministry of External Affairs
UN Envoy in Cambodia/Indonesia
4 August 2006
"Sri Chinmoy is a spiritual man, a man the United Nations needs most, for the problems before us are very moral issues. We therefore express our profound gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for the great and noble services he has been rendering to the world at large."
Zenon Rossides
Ambassador and Special Adviser, Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations
21 April 1989