O my heart,
Never allow
The doubting mind
To darken your door.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 26, Agni Press, 2002
From Mother Teresa to Sri Chinmoy
"I am so pleased with all the good work you are doing for world peace and for people in so many countries. May we continue to work together and to share together all for the glory of God and for the good of man."
October 1st, 1994
Meeting at the Missionaries of Charity House
adjoining the San Gregorio Church in Rome
"All that you are doing is for God. How beautiful! Thank God! God is doing everything for us both. Pray for me."
October 17th, 1995,
Telephone Conversation
"May we continue to do God's Work together. How beautiful are all your works for world peace and for all mankind!"
April 13th, 1996,
Telephone Conversation
"Again I have read your book about me, page by page. I have enjoyed it very much."
"You have to pray for me every day. You have to pray also for my people-poor people and dying people. You have to pray for them."
"Now listen! I want to open up a Missionaries of Charity House in China. I want you to come with me."
June 27th, 1997,
Mother Teresa telephoned Sri Chinmoy on the morning of her departure from the Bronx, New York for Calcutta.
"Thank you for all you are to God, for the beautiful work you have done for the glory of God and the good of souls. I keep you in my prayer and I count on your continual support through your prayers and sacrifices that we may do God's work with great love for His greater glory."
June 27th, 1997
Letter from Mother Teresa written from the Bronx, New York on the afternoon of her departure for Calcutta. She and Sri Chinmoy met at her Bronx Missionaries of Charity for the fourth time on June 3rd and for their fifth and final time on June 17th.
"All that you are doing for the world is for the Glory of God and the good of people! Pray for me, as I pray for you and for all of your many projects for world peace. Your works of love are works of prayer, and your works of prayer are works of God."
August 27th, 1997
Last telephone conversation between Mother Teresa and Sri Chinmoy on the date of their shared birthday.
From Sri Chinmoy to Mother Teresa:
Affection-Sister, Compassion-Mother Teresa divine,
Every day God's Smile, Joy and Pride with your soul dine.
Mother, your Calcutta's streaming tears
And bleeding heart you are.
To you the whole world bows and bows from near and far.
Your life is the fragrance of the world-peace-dream-flower.
Yours is the breath that builds God's Satisfaction-Tower.
Mother Teresa:
Calcutta's Soaring Bird
India's Sailing Moon
The World's Weeping Sky
Earth's Tearing Loss
Heaven's Dancing Gain
The Christ's Blossoming Promise
The Mother Mary's Harvesting Pride.
My sisters and brothers of the world,
Are we so blind that we cannot see
God's own Autograph
On Mother Teresa's forehead?
To be in your blessingful presence
Is to breathe in
A breath of living compassion.”
A single whisper from you
Has transformed thousands of non-believers
And disbelievers.”
“If any dying sufferer on earth
Needs someone to cry for him,
With him and in him,
Then he can unmistakably see
Mother Teresa's all-embracing arms
Faster than the fastest
Approaching him.”
“Mother Teresa does many, many things
For the betterment of the world,
But when she washes away
The untold sufferings
Of the unloved ones
With her heart's streaming tears-
That is by far the best.”
“When Mother Teresa approaches
Ill-fated sufferers,
What does she say?
'Do not worry, my child, God is coming.
Indeed, I see in you the living presence
Of Jesus Christ Himself.”
“Mother Teresa is
The dreamer of happiness
In the heart of
Suffering, imprisoned humanity.”
“Mother Teresa, Mother, Mother, Mother:
Humanity's Flower-Heart,
Divinity's Fragrance-Soul.”