Nothing can be more beautiful,
Nothing can be more meaningful,
Nothing can be more fruitful
Than God’s Forgiveness.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
What is the highest kind of purity I can aspire to?
Purity in the physical. You should always try to invoke Light in the unaspiring body. The lower physical and the emotional vital below the navel have to be purified totally. Human beings have purity to some extent in the heart. In the mind the quantity is very small. In the vital purity is totally mixed with impurity. There dynamism and aggression play together, but aggression is impurity and dynamism is purity. Below the vital is the physical. There, because of inertia and sloth, darkness reigns supreme. And where there is darkness, you can rest assured that impurity is the lord.
Please speak to us about the power of purity.
Purity is the Light of our soul expressing its divinity through the body, the vital and the mind. When we are pure, we gain everything. If we can retain our purity, we will never lose anything worth keeping. Today we may have great thoughts or great inner power, but tomorrow we are bound to lose them if we are not pure. Purity is the breath of the Supreme. When purity leaves us, the breath of the Supreme also leaves, and we are left with only our human breath.
Purity is like a divine magnet. It pulls all divine qualities into us. If you have purity, then you have everything. There are two ways to have purity. One is by seeing God inside everyone, consciously and constantly. The other is by imagining God and consciously repeating His name as many times as possible. If you have purity, you do not have to go to God. God Himself will make you see His infinite Divinity. What God is will be reflected in you.
Purity expedites God's hour. Purity embodies God's power. If you have purity, then there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. Purity is the harbinger of selfless oneness, eternity's perfect, selfless oneness with God.