One wrong thought
Can ruin everything
At the journey’s start.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
"Our path is the path of the heart and inside the heart we see nothing but Love. When we say our heart, we mean our spiritual heart, which is flooded with divine love."
Sri Chinmoy
From "Our Path"
Inspired by Sri Chinmoy's teachings and way of life, his students have established many branches of the Sri Chinmoy Centre around the world.
The Sri Chinmoy Centre serves as a spiritual home for its members, a meeting place for prayer and meditation, study and the enjoyment of spiritual music. The Centre also represents Sri Chinmoy's teachings in action, through classes and other public programs.
As a community service, Sri Chinmoy Centre's throughout the world offer free meditation classes. These classes provide an opportunity for people from all walks of life to learn the basics of meditation. Those who are interested can also learn about becoming a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy. At Sri Chinmoy's request the classes are provided free, in the traditional Indian belief that spirituality is our birthright, which can never be bought or sold.
The Centre also sponsors free public presentations of spiritual arts; including music concerts, art exhibitions and poetry readings. The Sri Chinmoy Centres are also active in supporting the activities of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, the Peace Run and the Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles humanitarian aid program.
If you feel inspired to learn to meditate, please contact the Centre nearest to your place of residence.