Happiness and courage
Feed each other.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 23, Agni Press, 2002
I meet with world luminaries. They are known as great politicians, supreme politicians. I am not a politician. Politics is not my forte. I go to them as a student of peace, and I feel that, deep within, they are also longing for world peace. I go as a student of peace, and they are so kind to receive me as a student of peace. We are aiming at peace. They have a genuine hunger for world peace, as I have, so we talk about world peace. There is no world politics involved. 1
I have met with many, many world figures. Although some of them are well known in the world of politics — such as President Gorbachev, President Mandela and a few other politicians of the highest rank — they are so kind to me. They never discuss politics with me. We only talk about world peace from the depths of our heart and not from our mind. 2
Sri Chinmoy
"Among the world figures of our time, there are many whom I admire, but first and foremost is President Gorbachev…"
– Sri Chinmoy 3
“This encourages me in the difficult work that we are doing. You have given me a real shot in the arm! I cannot express in words my joy!”
– Nelson Mandela
"I am so pleased with all the good work you are doing for world peace and for people in so many countries."
– Mother Teresa
"Each time I met with him, I had significant inner experiences. When I looked at his eyes, I saw an illumination-sky, and when I entered into his heart, I felt a compassion-ocean."
– Sri Chinmoy
"Holy Father, we are offering our hearts' prayerful gratitude to you for so compassionately blessing this Peace Torch, which will be carried in seventy countries."
– Sri Chinmoy
"On behalf of all of us, we are enormously grateful that you have taken the time to come here to spread this message of love and harmony and peace."
– Desmond Tutu
"Sri Chinmoy is a very spiritual man. I feel the reason Sri Chinmoy lifted this weight is because of his love of God and belief that through God all things are possible."
– Muhammad Ali
Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy answers, part 22, Agni Press, 2000↩︎
Sri Chinmoy, The temple and the shrine, Agni Press, 2013↩︎
Sri Chinmoy Sri Chinmoy answers, part 11, Agni Press in 1999↩︎